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Making Money With a Blog
Wed, 04/28/10 – 16:3820 Comments

In the past 5 years, blogs have exponentially increased their frequency throughout the world wide web.  At first, it seemed that blogs were looked upon only as additional journalism resources and that official journalists could …

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How to Make Money on the Internet

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Making Money OnlineIt is the modern day gold rush.  Millions across the world are trying to find someway to make a living out of the bedroom of their home.  If that’s the case, one of the best ways to do it is via the Internet.  As the Internet began to grow in popularity, businesses across the world started to see the huge upside potential for using it as a platform to do business on.  You don’t need to pay rent or utilities, you don’t need a high tech office,  and depending on what you do, you many not even need an actual product.  Whatever it may be, the one thing that is clear is that you can definitely make money on the Internet, which can be a big help in achieving your financial goals.  In this post, I will discuss how you can do it yourself.

Personally, I have found a lot of success on the Internet.  I have over 10 websites online that offer a variety of different information, and all of them offer a service that brings money back to me.  I do have a career on top of it, but it is a great way for supplementary income. The fact is, you can make good money on the Internet.

There are so many options of what kind of online business opportunities you can choose, all of which can be started with relatively low start up costs.  Please know, that in most cases, making money on the Internet is not a “get rich quick” scenario.  If you see an ad that says “Start Making Money Online Today!”, most likely it is a scam and is trying to get you to sign up for services.  Although making money on the Internet can be done from home, it also takes time, planning, and good execution to do well and be successful.  I have spoken to countless amounts of people who have started something online, only to have it fail within months.  Here are some tips to that can help you start making money online.

Start A Blog

This could be one of the most effective ways and easiest to start.  Everyone has passions and interests.  Well blog about them.  Blogging can be very profitable.  The point is to try and establish a good audience and retain your readers.  Whether you blog about traveling, video games, make up, or music, make sure to pick a topic that you are passionate and want to talk about frequently.  Some people choose topics that are more mainstream to try and capitalize on a bigger audience.  Don’t do it.  You will get burnt out and your content will suffer.  Choose a topic you enjoy and have fun with it, people will naturally flock to it.  I will do another post that goes much more in detail of how to make a blog profitable.  But you can get started real easily by signing up on Blogger, or for more usage abilities, use Bluehost.com (this one costs a little bit of money, but has a lot more features using WordPress).

Offer A Service Online

I have heard so many stories from people who have been recently laid off and found a way to actually start making more money from the Internet.  Many of you have certain skills and attributes you have picked up along the way, whether from school, a job, or just a natural instinct.  You have the ability to market this skill to your community or the entire world, depending on your service.  If you are a licensed hair stylist, you can market yourself online.  If you are good with computers or teach tennis, whatever it may be, there is an audience and demand for what you do somewhere in the world.  There are many different free online services to use to get your skill or business listed online so that it will come up in search results.  The point is, to be creative and do what you enjoy and are good at.

Become an Affiliate

People make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling other people’s products.  You don’t need to have something to sell, all you need is an audience.  After building up a good audience, you can then market other people’s goods and services on your site and receive a commission for doing so.  This way, all you need to worry about is your site.  You can make hundreds and even thousands a day by referring people to other company’s websites.  As online marketing becomes more and more aggressive, these rewards will only go up.

Flipping Goods

One of the greatest things that has come from the Internet is the ability for people to market stuff they don’t need.  Before, people would have to wake up early every Saturday and try to hit the major yard sales going on in the city or check the local newspaper listings to try and find bargains on people’s unwanted treasures.  Now, people can list these goods online at sites like Craigslist and eBay and you and I can benefit from other people’s unwanted goods all across the world.  In college, I would frequently find media equipment (video cameras, computers, stereos, etc) online and then was able to turn around and sell it to other buyers for a healthy profit.  Sure, you need to be knowledgeable of the items you’re selling and what people are willing to buy them for, but you would be surprised at what prices people are willing to sell some of their unused items for.

These are just of a few of things you can do to begin making money online.  There are countless ways to create cash flow through the Internet.  In posts to come, I will expand on some of these and show how to begin and just how easy it can be.  Income from the Internet can provide a great supplement to your salary and allow you to do things you may have not been able to do before.  Like I said, there is always a need for something you do well.  Find out how you can market that to rest of the world.

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